Shockwave Therapy
What is Shockwave Therapy?
Shockwave therapy accelerates the healing process in the body by stimulating the metabolism and enhancing blood circulation to regenerate damaged tissue.
Shockwave technology is a non-invasive therapy that delivers strong energy pulses that are applied to the affected area for short periods of time that aids in bone and connective tissue healing.
Supported by scientific studies, shockwave technology reports 91% improvement across a number of treatments.
Talk to our practitioner to find out more about the Shockwave therapy treatments we offer at our clinic in Kelowna BC.
What Does Shockwave Therapy Help me with?
Non-invasive way to treat chronic pain in your shoulder, back, heel, knee or elbow
Improved blood flow and neovascularisation
Accelerated healing
More mesenchymal stem cells
Stimulation of the metabolism
Improves chronic inflammation
Stimulates collagen production
Breaks up calcium deposits
What is Shockwave Therapy? Does it Really Work?

Common injuries Shockwave Therapy can help you with?
Plantar fasciitis
Achilles tendinopathy
Patellar Tendonitis/Jumper’s Knee
Achilles Tendon Pain
Elbow Tendonitis
Muscle Strains/Injuries
Shin splints
Stress fractures
Muscle trigger points
Ligament sprains
Heel Spur
Insertional Tendon Pain
Chronic Tendinopathy
Medial Tibial Stress Syndrome
Adhesive Capsulitis
Chronic pain
What Does Shockwave Therapy Feel Like?
Often a patient may feel some minor discomfort during shockwave therapy depending on the pain level they were already experiencing in the area.
However, the treatment therapy lasts only about five minutes over the painful site. Most patients can tolerate any discomfort quite well. The Move RX team can adjust the treatment intensity depending on the patient's comfort.
Can Shockwave Therapy Cause Damage?
After treatment, a patient may experience temporary soreness, tenderness or minor swelling for a few days. Shockwave Therapy stimulates an inflammatory response - your body's natural healing response. After a patient completes a sound wave treatment, they can almost immediately return to most regular activities.
How Many Treatments Are Required?
The number of treatments depends on the injury and the tissue's response. Patients experience relief right after their first treatment. In addition, Shockwave therapy relief often compounds over multiple visits with patients coming for three-five sessions.
What Else Can I Do Alongside Shockwave Therapy?
Tissue repair is only part of the healing process, and that is what Shockwave Therapy treatment is great for. Patients still need to recondition and strengthen the tissue to withstand the demands of new activities. Dr. Col and the Move RX team will guide you through coaching and exercises designed to improve your body and minimize the chances of having a reoccurring injury.
Some More Shockwave Therapy Information
Patients can experience minor soreness after a shockwave therapy treatment, especially after the first session. However, the discomfort will go away in a short period.
Often you will feel the effects of Shockwave therapy for 15-30 minutes afterwards, and on rare occurrences, patients can feel soreness for a day. If you need, you can take Tylenol for pain control. Bruising and swelling are also possible side effects from the treatment, but that should be resolved in a few days.
People who suffer from chronic conditions that cause pain are the ideal fit for shockwave therapy. In addition, shockwave therapy treats athletes for sports injuries such as tennis elbow, jumpers knee, painful shoulder, and more.
Shockwave therapy is not recommended for children, patients whose blood clots easily, women who are pregnant or people who have nerve or circulation disorders, metabolic bone conditions or bone disorders. If you need clarification on Shockwave therapy, Dr. Col can advise if the treatment is right for you.
Move RX offers direct billing and accepts ICBC claims!
In most cases, ICBC customers pay little or no money to receive care for their crash injuries. You don’t need to seek pre-approval either. Simply visit Move RX as soon as you feel symptoms and let us know you were involved in a car accident. Dr. Col will guide you through the process of obtaining coverage for your care.
Move RX is located at 3275 Lakeshore Rd #200, Kelowna, BC V1W 3S9.
Our flexible hours were designed to match your busy lifestyle